Carious Welting

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Visninger 86
Gemt 473
Størrelse 2.03 M
Udvidelse .SWF
Bredde 550
Højde 500
Stjerner 4
Carious weltling is an Online Flash game, where you take the roll of a young welting (a "dead" baby bird thing) who is slowly rotting...

Carious weltling is an Online Flash game, where you take the roll of a young welting (a "dead" baby bird thing) who is slowly rotting away in the desert heat, as weltling you need to catch and eat maggots falling from the sky to fill your ever draining blood bar. Simple as it sounds catching falling maggots isn't all that easy when you have a barrage of Dumplings (also dead and rotting sacks of flesh) falling from the sky as well. Add falling spikes, wicked power ups and liters of blood and you obtain A FUNKY FLASH GAME!.

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